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acceptAppointment(Appointment, String) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Accept an appointment request Sets the status of the appointment to ACCEPTED and assigns the doctor to the appointment
ACCEPTED - Enum constant in enum class Model.Appointment.Status
Action - Class in View
This class is used to create an object that represents an action that can be taken by the user.
Action(String, int) - Constructor for class View.Action
Action(String, Supplier<Integer>) - Constructor for class View.Action
actions - Variable in class View.ViewObject
ActionsList - Class in View
ActionsList() - Constructor for class View.ActionsList
add(Appointment) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Add an appointment to the list of appointments
add(Action) - Method in class View.ActionsList
addDiagnoses(List<String>) - Method in class Model.Patient
addDiagnosis(String) - Method in class Model.Patient
addMedicine(String, int) - Method in class Model.Inventory
Adds a medicine to inventory
If the medicine already exists in inventory, the quantity is updated
If the medicine does not exist in inventory, it is added to inventory with default low stock threshold of 0
addMedicine(String, int) - Method in class Model.Prescription
addMedicine(String, int, int) - Method in class Model.Inventory
Adds a medicine to inventory
addPrescription(String) - Method in class Model.Patient
addPrescription(Prescription) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Add a new prescription
addPrescriptions(List<String>) - Method in class Model.Patient
addQuotes(String) - Static method in class DataHandling.StringUtils
addTreatment(String) - Method in class Model.Patient
addTreatments(List<String>) - Method in class Model.Patient
addUser(User) - Method in class Singletons.UserLoginManager
Add a user to the list of registered users
ADMINISTRATOR - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.Role
AdministratorView - Class in View
AdministratorView(Staff) - Constructor for class View.AdministratorView
AESEncryption - Class in Encryption
This class is used to encrypt and decrypt strings using AES encryption.
AESEncryption() - Constructor for class Encryption.AESEncryption
allowBack() - Method in class View.SelectionView
Appointment - Class in Model
Appointment(String, LocalDate, TimeSlot, Appointment.Type) - Constructor for class Model.Appointment
APPOINTMENT_DURATION - Static variable in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
Appointment.Status - Enum Class in Model
Appointment.Type - Enum Class in Model
AppointmentFilter - Class in Singletons
Filters appointments based on doctor, patient, date, and status Uses the builder pattern to allow for optional parameters
AppointmentFilter() - Constructor for class Singletons.AppointmentFilter
AppointmentManagementView - Class in View.AdministratorSubViews
AppointmentManagementView() - Constructor for class View.AdministratorSubViews.AppointmentManagementView
AppointmentManager - Class in Singletons
Singleton class to manage appointments and schedules
AppointmentManager() - Constructor for class Singletons.AppointmentManager
AppointmentOutcomeRecord - Class in Model
AppointmentOutcomeRecord(String, ServiceProvided, String) - Constructor for class Model.AppointmentOutcomeRecord
AppointmentSerializer - Class in DataHandling
AppointmentSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.AppointmentSerializer


backSelected() - Method in class View.SelectionView


CalendarUtils - Class in Model.ScheduleManagement
CalendarUtils() - Constructor for class Model.ScheduleManagement.CalendarUtils
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class Model.Appointment.Status
changePassword(String) - Method in class Controller.UserSessionController
changePassword(String) - Method in class Model.User
CHECKUP - Enum constant in enum class Model.Appointment.Type
choice - Variable in class View.Action
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class Model.Appointment.Status
ContactInfo - Class in CustomTypes
ContactInfo() - Constructor for class CustomTypes.ContactInfo
ContactInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class CustomTypes.ContactInfo
ContactInfoSerializer - Class in DataHandling
ContactInfoSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.ContactInfoSerializer
Controller - package Controller
Controller - Class in Controller
Controller() - Constructor for class Controller.Controller
COUNSELING - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.ServiceProvided
createAccount() - Method in class View.LoginView
createReplenishmentRequest(String, int) - Method in class Singletons.InventoryManager
Create a new replenishment request
CustomTypes - package CustomTypes


DataHandling - package DataHandling
DateSerializer - Class in DataHandling
This class is responsible for serializing and deserializing LocalDate objects to and from String.
DateSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.DateSerializer
declineAppointment(Appointment) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Sets the status of the appointment to CANCELLED
DECLINED - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.PrescriptionStatus
decrypt(String, String, String) - Static method in class Encryption.AESEncryption
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.OperationMode
description - Variable in class View.Action
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.AppointmentSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.ContactInfoSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.DateSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.DoctorScheduleSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.DoctorScheduleSerializer.ScheduleSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.InventorySerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in interface DataHandling.ISerializer
Deserializes the String to an object.
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.PatientSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.PrescriptionSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.ReplenishmentRequestSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.StaffSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.TimeSerializer
deserialize(String) - Method in class DataHandling.TimeSlotSerializer
DIAGNOSIS - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.ServiceProvided
DISPENSED - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.PrescriptionStatus
display() - Method in class View.AdministratorSubViews.AppointmentManagementView
display() - Method in class View.AdministratorSubViews.InventoryManagementView
display() - Method in class View.AdministratorSubViews.StaffManagementView
display() - Method in class View.AdministratorView
display() - Method in class View.DoctorView
display() - Method in class View.EnumView
display() - Method in interface View.IView
Display the view
display() - Method in class View.LoginView
display() - Method in class View.PatientView
display() - Method in class View.PharmacistView
display() - Method in class View.SelectionView
display() - Method in class View.ViewObject
Display the view
DOCTOR - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.Role
DoctorScheduleSerializer - Class in DataHandling
DoctorScheduleSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.DoctorScheduleSerializer
DoctorScheduleSerializer.ScheduleSerializer - Class in DataHandling
Internal class to serialize and deserialize Schedule objects Only used by DoctorScheduleSerializer
DoctorView - Class in View
DoctorView(Staff) - Constructor for class View.DoctorView


EDIT - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.OperationMode
editPrescription(Prescription) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Edit an existing prescription
email - Variable in class CustomTypes.ContactInfo
Email - package Email
EMERGENCY - Enum constant in enum class Model.Appointment.Type
encrypt(String, String, String) - Static method in class Encryption.AESEncryption
Encryption - package Encryption
EnumView<E> - Class in View
A view object that displays a menu of enum values and allows the user to select one.
EnumView(Class<E>) - Constructor for class View.EnumView
equals(Object) - Method in class Model.Patient
equals(Object) - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlot
equals(Object) - Method in class Model.Staff


FEMALE - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.Gender
filter(List<Appointment>) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentFilter
Filters the given list of appointments based on the filter criteria.
filter(List<Staff>) - Method in class View.AdministratorSubViews.StaffManagementView.StaffFilter
filterByAge(int) - Method in class View.AdministratorSubViews.StaffManagementView.StaffFilter
filterByDate(LocalDate) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentFilter
filterByDoctor(String) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentFilter
filterByGender(Gender) - Method in class View.AdministratorSubViews.StaffManagementView.StaffFilter
filterByPatient(String) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentFilter
filterByPrescriptionStatus(PrescriptionStatus) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentFilter
filterByRole(Role) - Method in class View.AdministratorSubViews.StaffManagementView.StaffFilter
filterByStatus(Appointment.Status) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentFilter
FOLLOWUP - Enum constant in enum class Model.Appointment.Type
function - Variable in class View.Action


gender - Variable in class Model.User
Gender - Enum Class in CustomTypes
get(Object) - Method in class Model.Inventory
getAge() - Method in class Model.Staff
getAllOutcomes() - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Get a list of all outcomes of completed appointments
getAllPatients() - Method in class Singletons.UserLoginManager
Get all patients
getAllStaffs() - Method in class Singletons.UserLoginManager
Get all staffs
getAppointments() - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Get a list of appointments for a given doctor
getAppointmentsByDoctorId(String) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
getAppointmentsByDoctorId(String, Appointment.Status) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Get a list of appointments for a given doctor
getAppointmentsByPatientId(String) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Get a list of appointments for a given patient
getAppointmentsByStatus(Appointment.Status) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Get a list of appointments with a given status
getAppointmentsWithFilter(AppointmentFilter) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Get a list of appointments with a given filter Other filter methods use this as a base
getAvailableDoctors() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlotWithDoctor
getAvailableTimeSlotsOnDate(LocalDate) - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
getBloodType() - Method in class Model.Patient
getBoolean(String) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets a boolean input from user
getContactInfo() - Method in class Model.Patient
getDate() - Method in class Model.Appointment
getDate() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets a date input from user Default message is "Enter date (dd-MM-yyyy): "
getDate(String) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
getDateTime() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets a date and time input from user
getDetailedInfo() - Method in class Model.Staff
getDiagnosisHistory() - Method in class Model.Patient
getDob() - Method in class Model.Patient
getDoctorId() - Method in class Model.Appointment
getDoctors() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlotWithDoctor
getDoctorScheduleMap() - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
getEnd() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlot
getEnum(String, Class<E>) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets an enum input from user
getFullDetails() - Method in class Model.Appointment
getGender() - Method in class Model.User
getId() - Method in class Model.Prescription
getId() - Method in class Model.User
getInput() - Method in class View.ViewObject
Get user input and handle it (Calls @see handleInput)
getInstance() - Static method in class Controller.Controller
getInstance() - Static method in class Controller.UserSessionController
getInstance() - Static method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
getInstance() - Static method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
getInstance() - Static method in class Singletons.InputManager
getInstance() - Static method in class Singletons.InventoryManager
getInstance() - Static method in class Singletons.UserLoginManager
getInt() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Works just like InputManager.getInt(String) but with no message
getInt(String) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets an integer input from user Repeatedly asks for integer until a valid integer is entered
getInventory() - Method in class Singletons.InventoryManager
Get the inventory
getLowStockItems() - Method in class Model.Inventory
getLowStockThreshold(String) - Method in class Model.Inventory
getMedicalRecord() - Method in class Model.Patient
getMedicineCount(String) - Method in class Model.Inventory
getMedicineName() - Method in class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
getMedicineQuantities() - Method in class Model.Prescription
getMedicineQuantitiesString() - Method in class Model.Prescription
getName() - Method in class Model.User
getNewPasswordInput(boolean) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets a new password input from user Repeatedly asks for password until a valid password is entered Requires confirmation of password
getNextDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek) - Static method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.CalendarUtils
getNotes() - Method in class Model.AppointmentOutcomeRecord
getNotes() - Method in class Model.Prescription
getOutcome() - Method in class Model.Appointment
getPassword() - Method in class Model.User
getPatientId() - Method in class Model.Appointment
getPrescription() - Method in class Model.AppointmentOutcomeRecord
getPrescription() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
getPrescriptionById(String) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
getPrescriptionHistory() - Method in class Model.Patient
getPrescriptionId() - Method in class Model.AppointmentOutcomeRecord
getPrescriptions() - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
getQuantity() - Method in class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
getRequests() - Method in class Singletons.InventoryManager
Get all replenishment requests
getRequestsByStatus(boolean) - Method in class Singletons.InventoryManager
Get all replenishment requests by status
getRole() - Method in class Model.User
getScanner() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
getSchedule() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
getScheduleOfDoctor(Staff) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Gets the schedule of a doctor
getSelected() - Method in class Singletons.SelectionResult
getSelected() - Method in class View.EnumView
getSelected() - Method in class View.SelectionView
getSelection(String, List<T>) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Works just like InputManager.getSelection(String, List, boolean) but with no option to go back
getSelection(String, List<T>, boolean) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets a selection from a list of items
getServiceProvided() - Method in class Model.AppointmentOutcomeRecord
getStaff() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
getStart() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlot
getStatus() - Method in class Model.Appointment
getStatus() - Method in class Model.Prescription
getString() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Works just like InputManager.getString(String) but with no message
getString() - Method in class View.Action
getString(String) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets a string input from user
getTime() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets a time input from user Default message is "Enter time (HH:mm): "
getTimeSlot() - Method in class Model.Appointment
getTimeSlot() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlotWithDoctor
getTimeSlotFromStartTime(LocalTime) - Static method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.CalendarUtils
getTimeSlots() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
getTimeslotWithDoctorList(LocalDate) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Get a list of TimeSlotWithDoctor objects for a given date
Each entry in the list contains a TimeSlot object and a list of doctors available at that time
getTreatmentHistory() - Method in class Model.Patient
getType() - Method in class Model.Appointment
getUniqueString(String, Set<String>) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Gets a unique string input from user (Useful for unique usernames, ids, etc.)
getUpcomingDate() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
getUpcomingDate(String) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
getUser() - Method in class View.LoginView
getUserById(String) - Method in class Singletons.UserLoginManager
Get a user by their username
getUserIds() - Method in class Singletons.UserLoginManager
getUsers() - Method in class Singletons.UserLoginManager
Get the list of registered users
GmailSender - Class in Email
GmailSender() - Constructor for class Email.GmailSender
goBackPrompt() - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Prompts user to press enter to go back
GoogleBucket - package GoogleBucket


handleInput(int) - Method in class View.ViewObject
Handle user input
Runs the function associated with the choice
hashCode() - Method in class Model.Patient
hashCode() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlot
hashCode() - Method in class Model.Staff


id - Variable in class Model.User
InputManager - Class in Singletons
Singleton class to manage user input
Inventory - Class in Model
A custom HashMap to store the inventory of the clinic Maps a medicine name to an array of two integers: the first integer is the quantity of the medicine in stock, the second integer is the low stock alert threshold
Inventory() - Constructor for class Model.Inventory
InventoryManagementView - Class in View.AdministratorSubViews
InventoryManagementView() - Constructor for class View.AdministratorSubViews.InventoryManagementView
InventoryManager - Class in Singletons
Singleton class to manage the inventory and replenishment requests
InventorySerializer - Class in DataHandling
InventorySerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.InventorySerializer
isAvailable() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlotWithDoctor
ISaveService - Interface in DataHandling
isBack() - Method in class Singletons.SelectionResult
isDoctorAvailable(String, LocalDate, LocalTime) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Check if a doctor is available at a given date and time
Will check based on the doctor's schedule and appointments accepted by the doctor
ISerializer<T> - Interface in DataHandling
This interface is responsible for serializing and deserializing objects to String.
isFulfilled() - Method in class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
isLowStock(String) - Method in class Model.Inventory
Checks if a medicine is low in stock If the medicine does not exist in inventory, it is considered low stock
isTimeWithin(LocalTime) - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlot
Time is within the time slot if it is equal to the start time or between the start and end time
isWorking(DayOfWeek, LocalTime) - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
IView - Interface in View


loadAllData() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
Loads all data from files
loadAppointments() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
loadDoctorSchedules() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
loadInventory() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
loadPatients() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
loadReplenishmentRequests() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
loadStaffs() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
LocalFileHandler - Class in DataHandling
This class is responsible for reading and writing data to and from local files.
LocalFileHandler() - Constructor for class DataHandling.LocalFileHandler
LoginView - Class in View
LoginView() - Constructor for class View.LoginView
logout() - Method in class Controller.UserSessionController


main(String[]) - Static method in class Main.Main
Main - package Main
Main - Class in Main
Main() - Constructor for class Main.Main
MALE - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.Gender
Model - package Model
Model.ScheduleManagement - package Model.ScheduleManagement


name - Variable in class Model.User
navigateBack() - Method in class Controller.Controller


OperationMode - Enum Class in CustomTypes
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.Gender


parseLine(String) - Static method in class DataHandling.StringUtils
password - Variable in class Model.User
passwordValidation - Static variable in class View.LoginView
Patient - Class in Model
Patient(String, String, String, LocalDate, Gender) - Constructor for class Model.Patient
PATIENT - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.Role
PatientSerializer - Class in DataHandling
This class is responsible for serializing and deserializing Patient objects to and from String.
PatientSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.PatientSerializer
PatientView - Class in View
PatientView(Patient) - Constructor for class View.PatientView
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.PrescriptionStatus
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class Model.Appointment.Status
PHARMACIST - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.Role
PharmacistView - Class in View
PharmacistView(Staff) - Constructor for class View.PharmacistView
phoneNumber - Variable in class CustomTypes.ContactInfo
Prescription - Class in Model
Prescription(String) - Constructor for class Model.Prescription
Prescription(String, PrescriptionStatus) - Constructor for class Model.Prescription
PRESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.ServiceProvided
PrescriptionSerializer - Class in DataHandling
PrescriptionSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.PrescriptionSerializer
PrescriptionStatus - Enum Class in CustomTypes
printActions() - Method in class View.ActionsList
Print all actions in the actions list
printActions() - Method in class View.ViewObject
Print all actions in the actions list
printScheduleCompact() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
Print the schedule in a readable format E.g.
put(String, Integer[]) - Method in class Model.Inventory


readData(String) - Method in interface DataHandling.ISaveService
readData(String) - Method in class DataHandling.LocalFileHandler
Read the contents of the given file.
recordAppointmentOutcome(String, Appointment, AppointmentOutcomeRecord, Prescription) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
record the outcome of an appointment and change status to completed
REFERRAL - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.ServiceProvided
remove(int) - Method in class View.ActionsList
remove(Appointment) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Remove an appointment from the list of appointments
removeMedicine(String, int) - Method in class Model.Inventory
Removes a quantity of a medicine from inventory
removeQuotes(String) - Static method in class DataHandling.StringUtils
removeUser(User) - Method in class Singletons.UserLoginManager
Remove a user from the list of registered users
ReplenishmentRequest - Class in Model
ReplenishmentRequest(String, int) - Constructor for class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
used for creating new requests
ReplenishmentRequest(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
used for loading from file
ReplenishmentRequestSerializer - Class in DataHandling
ReplenishmentRequestSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.ReplenishmentRequestSerializer
role - Variable in class Model.User
Role - Enum Class in CustomTypes


saveAllData() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
Saves all data to files
saveAppointments() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
saveData(String, List<String>) - Method in interface DataHandling.ISaveService
saveData(String, List<String>) - Method in class DataHandling.LocalFileHandler
Write fixed content to the given file.
saveDoctorSchedules() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
saveInventory() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
SaveManager - Class in DataHandling
Singleton managing the saving and loading of data
SaveManager() - Constructor for class DataHandling.SaveManager
savePatients() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
saveReplenishmentRequests() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
saveStaffs() - Method in class DataHandling.SaveManager
Schedule - Class in Model.ScheduleManagement
Schedule(Staff) - Constructor for class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
SCHEDULE - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.OperationMode
ScheduleSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.DoctorScheduleSerializer.ScheduleSerializer
SelectionResult<T> - Class in Singletons
SelectionResult(T) - Constructor for class Singletons.SelectionResult
SelectionResult(T, boolean) - Constructor for class Singletons.SelectionResult
SelectionView<T> - Class in View
A view that displays a list of items and allows the user to select one.
SelectionView(List<T>) - Constructor for class View.SelectionView
selectTimeSlot(LocalDate, String) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Shows a list of available timeslots for the selected date and allows them to select one.
sendEmail(String, String, String) - Static method in class Email.GmailSender
SendTestMail(String) - Static method in class Email.GmailSender
SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface DataHandling.ISerializer
serialize(ContactInfo) - Method in class DataHandling.ContactInfoSerializer
serialize(LocalDate) - Method in class DataHandling.DateSerializer
serialize(LocalTime) - Method in class DataHandling.TimeSerializer
serialize(Map<String, Schedule>) - Method in class DataHandling.DoctorScheduleSerializer
serialize(Appointment) - Method in class DataHandling.AppointmentSerializer
serialize(Inventory) - Method in class DataHandling.InventorySerializer
serialize(Patient) - Method in class DataHandling.PatientSerializer
serialize(Prescription) - Method in class DataHandling.PrescriptionSerializer
serialize(ReplenishmentRequest) - Method in class DataHandling.ReplenishmentRequestSerializer
serialize(Schedule) - Method in class DataHandling.DoctorScheduleSerializer.ScheduleSerializer
serialize(TimeSlot) - Method in class DataHandling.TimeSlotSerializer
serialize(Staff) - Method in class DataHandling.StaffSerializer
serialize(T) - Method in interface DataHandling.ISerializer
Serializes the object to a String.
ServiceProvided - Enum Class in CustomTypes
setAge(int) - Method in class Model.Staff
setAppointments(List<Appointment>) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Set the list of appointments Only meant for loading data from file
setBloodType(String) - Method in class Model.Patient
setChoice(int) - Method in class View.Action
setContactInfo(String, String) - Method in class Model.Patient
setCurrentUser(User) - Method in class Controller.Controller
setCurrentUser(User) - Method in class Controller.UserSessionController
setDate(LocalDate) - Method in class Model.Appointment
setDob(LocalDate) - Method in class Model.Patient
setDoctor(Staff) - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
setDoctorId(String) - Method in class Model.Appointment
setDoctorScheduleMap(Map<String, Schedule>) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
Set the map of doctor schedules Only meant for loading data from file
setFulfilled(boolean) - Method in class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
setGender(Gender) - Method in class Model.User
setInventory(Inventory) - Method in class Singletons.InventoryManager
Set the entire inventory Only meant for loading data from file
setLowStockThreshold(String, int) - Method in class Model.Inventory
setMedicineCount(String, int) - Method in class Model.Inventory
setMedicineName(String) - Method in class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
setName(String) - Method in class Model.User
setNotes(String) - Method in class Model.AppointmentOutcomeRecord
setNotes(String) - Method in class Model.Prescription
setOutcome(AppointmentOutcomeRecord) - Method in class Model.Appointment
setPatientBusy(boolean) - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlotWithDoctor
setPreviousView(ViewObject) - Method in class Controller.Controller
setQuantity(int) - Method in class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
setRequests(List<ReplenishmentRequest>) - Method in class Singletons.InventoryManager
Set the entire list of replenishment requests Only meant for loading data from file
setRole(Role) - Method in class Model.User
setSchedule(String, Schedule) - Method in class Singletons.AppointmentManager
setStatus(PrescriptionStatus) - Method in class Model.Prescription
setStatus(Appointment.Status) - Method in class Model.Appointment
setTimeSlot(TimeSlot) - Method in class Model.Appointment
setWorkingHours(DayOfWeek, int, int) - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
setWorkingHours(DayOfWeek, TimeSlot) - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.Schedule
showLoginMenu() - Method in class Controller.UserSessionController
Singletons - package Singletons
Staff - Class in Model
Staff(String, String, String, Role, Gender, int) - Constructor for class Model.Staff
StaffFilter() - Constructor for class View.AdministratorSubViews.StaffManagementView.StaffFilter
StaffManagementView - Class in View.AdministratorSubViews
StaffManagementView() - Constructor for class View.AdministratorSubViews.StaffManagementView
StaffManagementView.StaffFilter - Class in View.AdministratorSubViews
StaffSerializer - Class in DataHandling
This class is responsible for serializing and deserializing Staff objects to and from String.
StaffSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.StaffSerializer
startMainMenu() - Method in class Controller.Controller
Start the main menu for the current user
StringUtils - Class in DataHandling
StringUtils() - Constructor for class DataHandling.StringUtils
SURGERY - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.ServiceProvided


TimeSerializer - Class in DataHandling
TimeSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.TimeSerializer
TimeSlot - Class in Model.ScheduleManagement
TimeSlot(int, int) - Constructor for class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlot
TimeSlot(LocalTime, LocalTime) - Constructor for class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlot
TimeSlotSerializer - Class in DataHandling
TimeSlotSerializer() - Constructor for class DataHandling.TimeSlotSerializer
TimeSlotWithDoctor - Class in Model.ScheduleManagement
TimeSlotWithDoctor(TimeSlot, List<Staff>, boolean[]) - Constructor for class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlotWithDoctor
toString() - Method in class CustomTypes.ContactInfo
toString() - Method in class Model.Appointment
toString() - Method in class Model.AppointmentOutcomeRecord
toString() - Method in class Model.Inventory
toString() - Method in class Model.Patient
toString() - Method in class Model.Prescription
toString() - Method in class Model.ReplenishmentRequest
toString() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlot
toString() - Method in class Model.ScheduleManagement.TimeSlotWithDoctor
toString() - Method in class Model.Staff
TREATMENT - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.ServiceProvided


UploadBucket - Class in GoogleBucket
UploadBucket() - Constructor for class GoogleBucket.UploadBucket
uploadFile(File) - Static method in class GoogleBucket.UploadBucket
user - Variable in class View.UserView
User - Class in Model
User(String, String, Role, String, Gender) - Constructor for class Model.User
UserLoginManager - Class in Singletons
A singleton class that manages the list of registered users
UserSessionController - Class in Controller
UserSessionController() - Constructor for class Controller.UserSessionController
UserView<T> - Class in View
UserView(T) - Constructor for class View.UserView


validatePassword(String) - Method in class Singletons.InputManager
Validate password
Password must be at least 8 characters long
Password must contain at least one digit, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one special character
Password must not contain spaces
Password cannot be 'password'
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.Gender
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.OperationMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.PrescriptionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.Role
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.ServiceProvided
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class Model.Appointment.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class Model.Appointment.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.Gender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.OperationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.PrescriptionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.Role
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class CustomTypes.ServiceProvided
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class Model.Appointment.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class Model.Appointment.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
View - package View
VIEW - Enum constant in enum class CustomTypes.OperationMode
View.AdministratorSubViews - package View.AdministratorSubViews
ViewObject - Class in View
Abstract class for all views
ViewObject() - Constructor for class View.ViewObject
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